Be the master of your destiny

The global smart talent marketplace where
you can hire, train and reward your
best workforce instantly

your identity

Provide instant proof of your identity, career history and important achievements without compromising your digital safety and privacy.

your career

Understand your skills gaps, the best way to close them and your potential career paths.

your potential

Join a talent development pool to close your skills gaps and get offered your next dream job before you start the search.
For organisations


Hand responsibility for identity management to your candidates and employees.

Use and benefit from verifiable employee credentials without the privacy, cyber security, regulatory and compliance risks.
Find out more
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Orange hexagon overlaying image of bee hivebees in a hive making honeyOrange hexagon overlaying image of bee hiveOrange hexagon overlaying image of bee hiveOrange hexagon overlaying image of bee hive

the honeypot

Hand responsibility for user data management to your customers.

Use and benefit from customer data without the cyber security risks.
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crowd at a concert with their hands in the airvertical orange barvertical orange barvertical orange barvertical orange barvertical orange barvertical orange bar

the best talent

Know who the best talent is, make it easy to hire them and prove they’re delivering better business outcomes.

Replace job ads, recruiters, and preliminary interviews with instant hiring and train-to-hire pools.
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the proposition

Slash your time to hire, lead with career development and automate rewards and recognition.

Take action on climate change by shrinking your scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and boost your diversity, equity and inclusion credentials.
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Mid 20's Chinese girl on her mobile phoneOrange ellipse lighterOrange ellipse lighterorange ellipseorange ellipse

the proposition

Slash your time to hire, lead with career development and make it simple for managers to recognise people in the moment.

Take action on climate change by shrinking your scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and boost your diversity, equity and inclusion credentials.
Find out more
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AI is an enabling technology that will be fundamental to the security, analysis and monetisation of our data as we increasingly automate our lives.

It also plays a critical role in our ecosystem to guide your people’s careers, make recruitment a breeze for hiring managers, match candidates to organisations and power our talent marketplace.



Blockchain technologies are essential to establish the trust, transparency and scalability we need to reclaim our digital safety and privacy.

Digital credentials that are verifiable and tamper-evident enable smart contracts to instantly verify a job applicant’s credentials and work experience.



Zero-knowledge proofs are a powerful cryptographic tool that allow a person to prove something about themselves without disclosing the actual answer.

Homomorphic encryption makes it possible to use third-party AI models to run analytics on your encrypted data without sharing the data or the results.

Secure multi-party computation allows two parties to gain the insights from their combined data sets without sharing their original data.


AI is an enabling technology that will be fundamental to the security, analysis and monetisation of our data as we increasingly automate our lives.

It also plays a critical role in our ecosystem to guide your people’s careers, make recruitment a breeze for hiring managers, match candidates to organisations and power our talent marketplace.


Blockchain technologies are essential to establish the trust, transparency and scalability we need to reclaim our digital safety and privacy.

Digital credentials that are verifiable and tamper-evident enable smart contracts to instantly verify a job applicant’s credentials and work experience.


Zero-knowledge proofs are a powerful cryptographic tool that allow a person to prove something about themselves without disclosing the actual answer.

Homomorphic encryption makes it possible to use third-party AI models to run analytics on your encrypted data without sharing the data or the results.

Secure multi-party computation allows two parties to gain the insights from their combined data sets without sharing their original data.


Blockchain technologies are essential to establish the trust, transparency and scalability we need to reclaim our digital safety and privacy.


Zero-knowledge proofs are a powerful cryptographic tool that allow a person to prove something about themselves without disclosing the actual answer.


AI is an enabling technology that will be fundamental to the security, analysis and monetisation of our data as we increasingly automate our lives.

We’d love to hear from you to discuss how we can kickstart a talent revolution at your company, government service, university, college or not-for-profit.
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About us

We’re a senior team of dedicated professionals with the career and life experience to understand what it takes to bring an ambitious vision for the future of digital safety and privacy to life.

Yet it’s only with the the broader knowledge and support of the people and organisations within our community that we can be certain to make our collective vision a reality.

Founder 1 photo
Founder & CEO
If you thought controlling your identity and preserving your digital safety and privacy was difficult today, what hope do we have in the age of AI if nothing changes.

Privacy matters because it helps us to try on new thinking, develop our identities and innovate with our careers and lives.
Founder 2 photo
Founder & CTO
AI, blockchain and cryptographic technologies offer immense transformational capabilities, but as Spiderman likes to remind us “with great power comes great responsibility”.

The complexity of these technologies and the need to ensure the provenance, fairness and accuracy of both the data and the AI models that are applied demands an open and transparent approach.